ExcelPlus 2.5

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ExcelPlus is DEPRECATED... Please look at the readme.

ExcelPlus (EP) is a JavaScript API/interface to deal with Excel using the js-xlsx library from SheetJS. The SheetJS library is powerful but difficult to use, so I've created ExcelPlus to interface with it.

I've developed this interface for my needs during my job at Dell and we thought it could be useful for the community too, so here it is !

Tested with IE8+, Firefox, Chrome.

Quick Start


Because ExcelPlus is an interface for js-xlsx then you'll need it.

Just add two lines to call the necessary files:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/xlsx/CHOOSE_A_VERSION/xlsx.core.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="excelplus-2.5.min.js"></script>



Below are two examples about how to write/create an Excel file:

// --- EXAMPLE 1 ---
// in this example we want to build an Excel file with one sheet and write some stuff
var ep=new ExcelPlus();
// We're going to do several tasks in one line of code:
// 1) create an Excel with one sheet called "Book1"
// 2) write some data from an array to the new-created sheet
// 3) create a new sheet called "Book2"
// 4) write "A1" in cell "A1" of the new-created sheet
// 5) write the today date in D1 of the "Book1" sheet
// 6) save it on the user computer (this last step only works with IE10+ and modern browsers)
  .write({ "content":[ ["A1","B1","C1"] ] })
  .write({ "cell":"A1", "content":"A1" })
  .write({ "sheet":"Book1", "cell":"D1", "content":new Date() })

See in action this example 1

// --- EXAMPLE 2 ---
// in this other example we want to build an Excel file with several sheets and write some stuff
var ep=new ExcelPlus();
// We're going to do several tasks in one line of code:
// 1) create an Excel with three sheets called "Book1", "Book2" and "Book3"
// 2) write some data from an array to the "Book1"
// 3) write "A1" in cell "A1" of "Book2"
// 3) delete "Book3"
// 4) select "Book2"
// 5) write the today date in A2 of the "Book2" sheet
ep.createFile([ "Book1", "Book2", "Book3" ])
  .write({ "sheet":"Book1", "content":[ ["A1","B1","C1"] ] })
  .write({ "sheet":"Book2", "cell":"A1", "content":"A1" })
  .write({ "cell":"A2", "content":new Date() });

See in action this example 2


Below are some examples about how to read an Excel file:

// --- EXAMPLE 3 ---
// in this example we want to read a local (= on the user's computer) Excel file
// to do so we need to add `<object id="file-object"></object>` into our HTML where a button to upload the file will appear
// then we can call our JavaScript
var ep=new ExcelPlus();
// we call openLocal() and when the file is loaded then we want to display its content
// openLocal() will use the FileAPI if exists, otherwise it will use a Flash object
  "labelButton":"Open an Excel file"
},function() {
  // show the content of the first sheet

See in action this example 3

// --- EXAMPLE 4 ---
// in this other example we want to read a remote (= on a server) Excel file
// to do so we need to make sure the server accepts the remote requests (it's the case for the same domain)
var ep=new ExcelPlus();
// we call openRemote()
ep.openRemote("http://my.server.com/path/file.xlsx", function(passed) {
  if (!passed) alert("Error: impossible to load the remote file");
  else alert(ep.selectSheet(1).readAll()) // show the content of the first sheet

See in action this example 4

// a combo because we create an Excel file and we read it
var ep=new ExcelPlus();
ep.createFile().write({cell:"A1", content:"A1"}).writeCell("B1","B1").write({cell:"A2",content:"A2"});


If you use Sharepoint you can use ExcelPlus with my other library called SharepointPlus. With these both libraries you can save your Excel file to Sharepoint:

// Create an Excel file and save it to Sharepoint
var ep=new ExcelPlus();
ep.createFile("Book1").write({ "content":[ ["A1","B1","C1"] ] });
$SP().list("Documents Library", "http://my.sharepoint.com/path/").createFile({
  "content": ep.saveTo(),
  "encoded": true,
  "filename": "myfile.xlsx",
  after:function(fileURL) {
    // and you can send it to the user calling the below line :